Dhajê is an optics that offers solutions for problems not only visual, but also a little fashion, aesthetics, health, beauty, optics and optometry.
She wants to awaken in people the desire to explore the optical world and its mission is to help its customers to see the world in the best possible way.
One of the company's main objectives is to expand its business to other regions and create a franchise network.
To put this plan into practice, it was necessary to reposition the brand, starting with the visual identity.

The brand
As a brand repositioning strategy, a visual identity was developed that conveys the idea of exclusivity to its customers, through a symbol that avoids a little obvious elements that are widely used in the segment and by the company's main competitors. The goal is to create greater brand differentiation on social media and media.

Words key to the concept

Color palette
A color palette was developed in order to transmit: joy, vitality, prosperity, stability, solidity, sophistication and elegance.


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